November 23rd St George Directory Third Day of Photography, Information, links and New Day for Portraits

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

Today is the third of the Photography days for the new St George Directory.

Please note the following:

Photography will be taking place at the Chapel area

You may use the side doors from Founders Hall to enter.

Please sign your names in as you enter for your appointment and fill out a personal information card that will be used for your portrait in the directory.

Sign a photography release both for adults and minors. You may use the links below to do so electronically. Alternatively a hard copy may be found at the sign in table.

Directory Adult waiver:
Directory Minor waiver:

Following your appointment you may sit for viewing your photographs and place any additional orders. Your appointment time is 30’, 10’ for the photography and 20’ for choosing afterwards. There will be three photographers to assist with keeping appointments on time. Please, make every effort to keep this time frame strict.

There is a great opportunity to meet, and greet members of our church during check in time! If you would like to be part of this fun experience and offer a bit of your time, please use the link below to sign up:
Volunteers are needed for December 6,7,10, 13 and 14, as well as January 3&4.

If you have not yet scheduled an appointment there is still time! There are 20 spots left for the December days. January 3 has 10 appointments open and we just added a new day on Saturday January 4th!

Please use the link below to do so:
You instantly receive a $10 coupon to use for your purchases.

Remember to bring clothes for donation. Please have them organized in labeled bags (for men, for women, for children by age)  and receive a $5 coupon.

Thank you All for making this event a special one!

See Lots of You shortly!